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This are very first test builds of Force that i found on my PC.
I dont even remember, but i actually starting working on engine in last Q of 2019, i forgot about it so many time have passed. In this time i didn't even want to create a engine, what i want is to create a little code base for my low poly game, but eventually this evolved in to pretty stable piece of software.
First couple of builds i've work on engine core itself, like input system, application, event, element systems, and basic OpenGL renderer support, so nothing special. Besides it take me at least 2 months.
Next major features that i remember that implement in first Q 2020 it was Batch Rendering.
In the second Q of 2020 i've move aways from little test on rendering API, with creating my first game on it, Geometry Dash. And started working on Editor.
Here i was play around with lighting that eventually not supported in real Force : <
Here a play around with styles and cannot choose prefer one.
I've even integrated 3D support at this moment, and engine supports the lighting component, and loading 3D models.
Before renaming engine to Force i also integrated the Entity Component System, implement fully support Win32 custom implementation and finally figure out with style.
Rename CTX Engine to Force. Other releases started from 0.3.5 presented on Github.
Deep into the development process of Force.