Menu Bar
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Last updated
The first thing you should pay attention to is Menu Bar (1). Menu Bar is a panel window in which, as in any other program, displays information about quick actions that you can do or configure or create is displayed. For example you can create GameObject's from it or attaching to them components.
At the moment, the Menu Bar contains several bar items that are used for management:
When you click on File you open pop up with basic actions for project and scenes and several other options that Force is using.
New Project
Opens the New Project window that allows to create new project. After project being created it opens immediately.
Open Project
Opens the Open Project window that allows to open already created project.
Close Project
Close current project and shows Startup Window.
Save Project
Saves currently opened project.
Recent Projects
Shows a dropdown with latest opened recent using projects.
New Scene
Opens New Scene window that allows create a new scene. By default scene stores it in Scenes folder and will be added to the Explorer, as well as its file that can be found in the Browser.
Open Scene
Opens Open Scene window with all created scenes in the project.
Save Scene
Saves the current scene in directory from witch it was opened. If not creates new asset for it.
Save Scene As...
Opens dialog box that allows to choose save location of the current scene.
Opens Force Editor settings page.
Project Settings...
Opens Project settings page.
Startup Window
Opens the Startup Window and allows to create or open project.
Close the Force.
When you click on Edit you open pop up with actions that you can do with selected GameObjects.
Undo (broken in 0.4)
Undo the current action. (will available in 0.5+)
Redo (broken in 0.4)
Redo action. (will available in 0.5+)
Undo Redo History (broken in 0.4)
Opens the Undo Redo History window. (will available in 0.5+)
Cut selected GameObject and allows to paste it.
Copy selected GameObject and allows to paste it.
Paste copied GameObject.
Duplicate (made a copy) of selected GameObject with the same Components.
Delete selected GameObject from scene.
When you click on Gameplay you open pop up with actions that you can do with runtime / play mode and control state of your game.
Starts to play the scene.
Starts to simulate physics in the scene.
Pause the playing scene.
Stops the played scene.
Restarts the playing scene or simulation.
Go to full play mode screen when you play the game and hide all panels and dialogs.
Build Scripts
Runs the Build Manager that will build script project and compile scripts.
Update Scripts
Update, refresh and regenerate the script project.
When you click on Objects you open pop up with basic templates of GameObjects. Thats opportunity to create a Game Object with specific type and components.
For example, you can click on Empty Object, and you will have a new empty object (without components), or click on Sprite to create a new sprite object with its main rendering component. And after that, these objects will appear in the Scene View (5) and in the Explorer (3).
When you click on Component you open pop up with basic group of components that even exist in Force. Each group divided for specific usage. Thats opportunity to attach to Game Object a specific component and customize it how would you like.
Each selected component will be added to the GameObject from this panel only if the object is selected in the Explorer (3). All components attached to objects will be displayed in Inspector (4).
When you click on Assets you open pop up with the same actions as in Assets Browser, allowing modify and control assets from there.
When you click on Window you open pop up with action that can be applied to the window such a add panels and changing layouts.
For a example by clicking on Panels menu you open popup with all supported panels for usage in the Force.
By clicking on Layouts menu you open popup with all existing layout for editor that user can use.
Default layout where Explorer on left, Inspector on right, Assets Browser & Console on down and Scene/Game in the center.
New (Kenny's) layout where Explorer & Inspector on right, Assets Browser & Console on right-down and Scene/Game in the left.
Edit layout where show only Inspector on right side and Scene/Game on the left.
Tile layout where all panels shows on right as tiles and Scene/Game on the left.
When you click on Help you open pop up with list of help operation that you perform in Force. For example you can open Information window about current development stage of Force.
Home, Editor Reference, and Scripting Reference is just links to this API documentation.
Button Information, allow you to display information about editor because it under development and of cource this information only available only in Debug build of engine (for now).
Also if you find a bug or crash you can click on Report a Bug button to report about problem that happens in Force.
About Force menu item open window with short information about Force and with some links to me or to Github repository.